Dalrymple National Park.

Well my friend and travel guide Graeme decided to show me the Dalrymple National Park. He told me of a story that the farmer who use to own the land where the Fletcher Creek rest area is now, was riding a horse and fell and was impale by a stick. A camper who was camping by the river at the time heard the farmer cry for help, the man with a medical background who saved his life. When he died he willed this land to the council, and now is a a campground for the public called Fletcher Creek campgrounds. We headed towards Fletchers Creek rest area as the entrance to the park is access this way. Down the track before the entrance to the park there was a stone memorial with a tree stump on top with a "L" marking a significant tree which was destroyed in 1922 by a bushfire. Early explorers camp here in 1845 and is now marked as West Hill Camp and explorer Leichhardt marked the tree with the letter L and remained until the tree was burnt down. We came to the park entrance where ga...