Staying At Bringo Lookout.

We left Indarra Siding and onto Geraldton about 71km out. 

On the way west we pulled into the Bringo Lookout to check it out, at the time workmen were fixing some potholes on the driveway but said they would be finished for the evening.  So we said will come back after going to Geraldton.

While at Geraldton did some shopping, the town is very RV friendly as I could park in their car park with camper trailer for 2 hour free this was very useful. 

Went to the fuel station top up the tanks then onto the Bringo Lookout to stay a couple of days before moving on. This place has great views at night the town of Geraldton lights up. 

We have had showers of rain go pass to, but still very tranquil at the lookout. 
The eve is upon us and the lights of Geraldton are on, it still cloudy and overcast but it is a good time for photo opportunities to share with you the sights at night hope you enjoy the photos. 


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