
Showing posts from October, 2018

Onto Lake Indoon from Meekathara.

Now we departed Meekathara heading south to the town of Cue. As we left Meekathara another 2 huge super pits in the ground and the mountains surrounding have been stripped of there minerals. As we entered Cue, 2 roadhouses on the main road, but diesel is dear. We went looking for the Puma station it was in a truck assembly area and turned out to be a 24hr self serve big tank above ground that operates via your credit card. It took a little to figure out how to operate as the sunlight was on the display screen making it hard to see but we worked it out and diesel was $165.9 let well worth the effort. The town of Cue was a very nice looking town with some historic buildings still in use. A lovely gazebo in a artificial grasses area in the middle of the roadway. On exiting Cue, next town Mt Magnet. It was getting late in the afternoon, we looked at a site to rest but it was still very hot in the day and lots of flies, we thought we would drive on into Mt Magnet, reasonable size t...

Onto Meekathara WA.

Well we left Newman with new tyres on the camper trailer heading south towards Meekathara. The landsczpe harsh and dry, there are dead cows and sheep skeletons appears to be from drought and no water. This area backs onto the Little Sandy Desert. Mostly rock no weeds or spinafex for animals to eat. The further you drive along the landscape forever changing, and becomes more hospitable for the animals. Driving along most of the rivers and creeks were dry at this time of year. We setup camp at the Gascoyne River middle branch and have found a fairly big water hole to setup by. Birdlife in abundance znd we slept in the camper trailer overnight temps 10°c good sleeping. Well we stayed about 3 days, packing up the camper trailer and heading south towards Meekathara. About 60 klms down the road we stopped into the Gascoyne River South Branch, in Wikicamps the comments of how dirty this place was and rubbish bins overflowing I thought we would have a look. But we found a clean well...