Worrying about Coronavirus- Yes.

Well as Queensland starts to ease some restrictions and winter time is knocking on the door, I too feel concerned that things maybe moving to fast. If we look at other countries being so Blaise about restrictions and their death toll rising, no wonder I am concerned.
I will stay self isolating for a bit longer and watch on to see how our country Australia handles it. The flu season is upon us so is coughing and sneezing. Well somethings are out of our control, so you can only look after yourself as many people have different opinions.

Well this week I have been doing some photography, and editing these photos to make them look different. Here are some results below.

This is a picture of my campfire, it makes a difference editing it into a frame.

Changing backgrounds makes the focal point different.

My photo in a billboard, I like it.

Well it has passed sometime while self isolating. The black spot mould on the canvas is put on hold as I can't reach all of the roof area. I have ordered on eBay a pressure spraying device which has a wand attached to it that will extend my reach.

After buying it I still need to wait for delivery which could take a while with COVID19 effecting delivery date.

Well a few weeks back most of you will know I was attacked by a died tree branch laying on the ground, just because I took to it with an axe it got angry and bounced off the ground and hit me in the face. Well I took pics of it and how my face is healing.

Yes my black eye. I do like how editing my photos in a different way makes them presents better, don't you think?

Well still here in Aratula, living in our camper trailer, it's hot humid, it even rained overnight. As I can't travel at the moment, I will keep you updated on what I plan to tackle in lockdown. "Camper Trailer Improvements".


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