Onto Sandy Corner Rest Area.

We left Bringo lookout and headed in Geraldton where will filled our water tanks, went to Woolworths and stocked up on supplies, went to BCF got the gas bottles filled and stopped in Bunnings as well.

Now leaving Geraldton heading north next town Northhampton the road went through mountainous areas lush green.

Western Australia was expecting a triple event of cold fronts happening soon so the plan was to set down somewhere for a few days until it was over.

Stopped off at Galena Bridge rest area but it was like a caravan city about 60 caravans there considering it was only 2.30pm it was packed for a 24hr rest area. Well we did not stay in this packed area and decided to checkout other rest areas.

We came across Sandy Corner, tracks leading behind the rest area away from the traffic on the road. We setup camp it is not bad towards the back area, plenty of firewood, great campfire we were happy.

Well the rain came about 20mm to this area, the rain caused some damage to the backup power supply in the truck canopy. I have a tv antenna mounted on the roof of the truck with silastic around the base an over time the silastic seal no longer waterproof and water leaked inside the canopy onto the fuse box and into the hybrid controller shorting out the unit. The hybrid controller controls the wind generators and solar panels. Well it looks like time to upgrade the system.  Stay tune in a future blog I will talk about how I will upgrade my backup power supply.

Managed to get on the roof of the truck and silastic the antenna base again, had more rain now it looks good no more water entering the canopy.

I have been hiking through the bush trying to keep fit. My daily steps 8,000 hiking in the scrub gives me more walking trails.

Currently we are waiting on mail to arrive in Carnarvon, it may take a week.

The coastal area around Monkey Mia and Exmouth is not dog friendly owing to most of the area is national parks.  My Maltese Jools if he is not welcome neither am I.


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