In Memories Of Our Beloved Travel Companion Jools.

Our travel came to an abrupt stop when our travel companion went from healthy to passing away in only a few hours.

A complication with his bladder being entangle with his pelvic girth not allowing urine to get out shortened his life with us. The Vet said this was a rare case for this to happen.

It also happened on a public holiday, the only Vet open was in Albany WA which meant a hurried 200 klms dash to seek medical help only to find after Xrays there was nothing the Vet could do.

The only option was to let him go, as I cuddled him in my arms to reassure him as tears ran down my face as he passed away peacefully in my arms, while tearing a big hole in our hearts. Wondering how we will ever manage without the love of Jools.

It had already been a bad time for Jools, he had already endured terrible pain on the trip to the Vet. Jools now sedated and comfortable, we had to love him enough to say goodbye to our beloved family member.

Now in memories I would like to share special moments that we shared with Jools our pet Maltese who was like a baby boy to us, he will be dearly missed.

First time in our house he liked to ride in the laundry basket.
Jools dog house which he did not spend much time in as he loved the comfort of our bed.
Now it was time to play ball.
Jools learnt how to swim in the swimming pools.
The thing Jools had to learn, he was very helpful in the office.
He liked to go on drives in the car with style.
Jools was all about style, Loving to dress up for an occasion.
Jools also went on many camping trips.
Yes they're ram balls you see what a position to take a picture.
Normanton QLD lunch break.
Leichkard falls QLD.
Tamworth golden guitar.
Port Gibbon SA.
Cameron Corner QLD.
Cliffs on Nullarbor SA.
Wave Rock, Hyden WA
Too many precious moments that Jools loved life and loved us unconditionally.


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