Copeton Dam

We have travelled to the Eastern side foreshore of the Copeton Dam where freedom camping is available. and what a lovely place to camp.

The water level of the dam is a bit low but there is still a lot of water in the dam. The campsite we chose would be under water if the dam was full.

On driving down the road to the dam entrance, evidence of recent bush fires having burnt a lot of the bush. Trees have fallen but new green growth can be seen.

The road very steep and winding in parts down to the water level and no signs of bushfires from the campground. Very green and hilly all around the dam.

Mobile reception in this area is good another plus, vista views with beautiful sunsets. 

Rain is on the way we erected the gazebo for shelter. Second time up very quick and easy. It has been very windy and cloudy so the wind generator is being used with excellent results.

Rain has arrived Friday night and Saturday. It has been very heavy overnight and rain water running down the side of the hill into the dam.

I have awoke Saturday morning to rain sound on top of our canvas roof in the camper trailer. Very peaceful, while laying on my bed I took a picture of the rain through my window.

Bom States we had 10mm of rain overnight. Now the rain has started to clear very heavy rain clouds can be seen around the dam horizon, this is a photo opportunity time again. 

Well Saturday night was very cold as the temp went down to 4•c lucky the diesel heater is working fine. In the morning fog over the Copeton Dam.

Very cold this week campfires and the diesel heater are helping. Overnight temps of 4•c getting up early morning putting diesel heater on to be comfortable. This is crazy weather one minute a heatwave next it is freezing.

Black swans on the dam water are enjoying the colder water as they float on top of the water. The swans have come in pairs, they are beautiful and elegant on the water. Copeton Dam is truly peaceful and tranquil place to camp.

Well as lovely as this place is you always have to go to your next destination so it is sad that we are going, but we will be back in our future travels. Jools will miss Copeton Dam but not the prickles that get caught in his feet.

We need to have the Isuzu truck serviced and we were thinking of Dubbo in NSW. Ponto falls Reserve is not far from Dubbo so our next freedom campsite will be at Ponto Falls. Time to pack up.


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