On to Gum Flat Reserve.

Well it was time to leave Ponto Falls Reserve with a quick stop  at Molong, to say a big hello to our friends Peter and Robin.

Then onto the back roads to Oxley Crossing where we stayed overnight. From Coonabarabran to Narrabri and what a big town this is.

Then on through Moree where we turned off towards Warialda until we came to Gum Flats road, this is a gravel road sharp rocks and corrigation, which leads you into the reserve.

Some of the tracks are black soil, it is good thing, that it is dry weather at this point in time.

The Gwydir River flows through the reserve and water levels in the river is low at this time.

This is a very big camping spot with access to a lot of areas. Cattle and kangaroos and hares, with abundant of bird life in this area.

Big gum trees, in the center there are drop toilet, covered picnic area, rubbish bins, great vista views.

We plan to stay a few days and watch the State of Origin on TV, free to air TV reception in this area as well.

The river banks show some signs of erosion, guard rails have been erected for protection. The campsite we chose plenty of sun for the solar panels.

Jools like wandering about however lots of prickles and burrs. Nights are cool but we have the heater but daytime lovely and warm in the sun.

Sunsets beautiful all the sulphur crested cockatoos gather for a feed on the ground.

Well next stop back to Texas to wait for mail to come in. Until the next blog.


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