Onto Ban Ban Springs.

Well after a very foggy morning at Harland Park, talking to cyclist who travel along the heritage trails, it was time to pack up again.

Heading into Yarraman, then on through Nanago, which is a big town, we travel up to Goomeri where we turnoff to the Kinbombi Falls, this is a campground and a public tourist spot to look at the Falls.

The camping area are free and a new toilet block, but the main camping is just the sides of the main roads that navigate around this area, wire fence on one side not a lot of area to spread out no more than a car parking area.
Pics a bit blurred, condensation on the lens.

However the trails of concrete steps that take you down into a gorge where the Kinbombi Falls are is just spectacular, not much water over the Falls a small trickle but still spectacular. 

Unfortunately the camera does not do justice to this area.

I walked all of the concrete steps down, but getting up them what a experience it made me feel that I was grossly unfit, and this is true, My legs will ache for weeks from this experience. 

Jools Our pet Maltese manage to climb several steps by himself, he is not quite 6 months old. Good job Jools.

So after shear exhaustion set in, we dicided to move on. We thought we would try out Lawless Park but it was small with a few there and crowded, not a big area at all.

So we decided to move on to Ban Ban Springs rest area what a lucky find. It is quite and peaceful, plenty of birdlife and yes some road noise in the distance. 

To many travellers forget ear plugs when travelling,  i have found they turn front ground noise to background noise so you can sleep. 

I read alot of negitve comments in Wiki Camps app about road noise wreaking their stay but no mention that they use ear plugs or radio to help with the noise, just a thought, we will stay here overnight.

Freedom Camping is great, if you do not like and area you just move on. No out of pocket expenses like a caravan park and just putting up with, you have the choices where you want to be.


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