Day Trip Exploring Cooktown Area.

We decided to go out on a day trip to checkout Cooktown. So much to see, leaving Archer Point we go over the Annan River bridge this is a new bridge raised up as the older bridge is running next to it slowly detoriating with time. 

They have a rest area and toilets only day use also a new concrete boat ramp.

On leaving heading towards Cooktown another sign saying Quarintine Bay lets go and have a look. On entering the bay we are treated to beautiful clear water blue in colour but no beach sand it is a pebble beach., houses on the side of cliffs, toilets available just a nice way to spend time out in the sun.

What a great place but it was time to leave. On the way up the road, we saw another sign, to Walker Bay, so we decided to do more exploring. 

Down a narrow gravel road we came to a small river crossing, not very deep so on we went about 3.5 klms on to Walker Bay. 

This is a sandy beach with a lot of wood and seaweed all on the sand as the wind has made big waves to pound the shore.

I even took Jools out to play on the sand, unfortunately the sound of the waves crashing on the shore made Jools want to jump up into daddies arms for protection. 

Well the blog is getting long, we will talk about Cooktown in the next blog wow what a place.


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