Black Spot Mould Removal.

Well in preparation of cleaning the tent part of the camper trailer, has begun.

It would be much easier if it was being done on setup, unfortunately I couldn't get enough reach on the roof to spray the entire roof.

To solve the solution as I didn't want to pull the entire annexe down, I bought a pressure spraying device which works off 12v power wirelessly. The device also has a long wand that it extends my reach, hopefully this will work. 

Well I charged up the pressure spraying device and put water in it for a test, it sprayed a nice even coat with not much run off.

 It is currently very windy at the moment for this week but at the end of the week rain has been forecast. I will attempt this project midweek if the weather allows me to do the job.

Well it is still windy so I decided to fill the pressure spraying device with Curtain Magic, drop the poles of the camper trailer and started to spray. The wind made it hard but spraying the roof easy.

I got most of the area except one point out of my reach. After 15 minutes all of the black spot mould gone. Then I hosed it down. I must say it looks good, this was a better way to go than replacing the canvas and much cheaper.

Some before and after photos.

Fair enough results, would you say. I still need to do inside yet.

Well the next day cleaning the canvas has been halted due to very cloudy day and rain. The clouds are very low covering the top of a nearby mountain.

So it is a day off as I need the sun to dry the canvas between applying the Curtain Magic solution and also rinsing off this solution with water. The problem is when canvas becomes 100% saturated it leaks water.

It is not just me that would like sun it is also Mr Jools. He is also dreaming of feeling that sunlight.

Tuesday is a fine day nice and sunny. Time to move our camping gear out of the annexe while it was time to tackle the black spot mould on the roof. 

I am using a product called Curtain Magic

We have already done the outside of the roof without any damage to the canvas or streaking of the colour Rd canvas. Unfortunately the annexe is already setup so using our pressure spraying device there will be overspray on all side walls.

Well what a difference it has made. We thought we would need to replace the tent section of the camper trailer. I have some before and after photos in the annexe area.

These are the after photos there is some shade from trees on the roof with the photos.

I also took some pictures at night.

Well the preparation for this project was labouring moving the camping gear but the application of the product very easy 15 minutes and hosed it off.

No issues with streaking or damage to the canvas. It is very hard what you put on canvas, but the waterproofing of the canvas still intact, no leaking.

Just like everyone else we are still self isolating and avoiding crowds, being COVID19 aware. Non essential travel is still ban, State borders still closed giving me more opportunity for more projects to be done. 

Well you will need to read the next blog too find out my next project. I hope this has helped other campers in ways to clean your canvas.


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