Newstead Creek Campground.

Well after getting fuel and leaving Barcaldine, we headed towards Ilfracombe, landscape definitely different, not many trees the ground looks like a fire has been through and the environment hasn't recovered.

Just East of Ifracombe we stopped off at the Newstead Creek Campground. The surface of the ground is soft like recent rain. A sign posted at the entrance state if you get bogged it will cost you to be towed out. What a be aware sign?. 

Now we drove inside the grounds this is a huge camp area with rubbish bins scattered throughout the area. It is very easy to get away from road noise. Lots of trees in this area. 

Setup camp for the night, the gazebo tent erected, winds are now picking up SSW very cold air from a cold front sweeping over Queensland. A lovely sunset.

We stayed in the gazebo tent last night it was not bad keeping the cold wind out.

I walked around the campground it is huge a creek does flow around the campground but unfortunately the creek has dried up no water. We decided to stay another day peaceful.


We will be going through the town of Ilfracombe. Some of the sights is the Machinery Mile, a collection of machines.

The Ilfracombe Park.

Swimming pool Artesian bore water located on the main road.

Then onto Longreach and Winton.



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