Black Spot Mould Removal.

Well in preparation of cleaning the tent part of the camper trailer, has begun. It would be much easier if it was being done on setup, unfortunately I couldn't get enough reach on the roof to spray the entire roof. To solve the solution as I didn't want to pull the entire annexe down, I bought a pressure spraying device which works off 12v power wirelessly. The device also has a long wand that it extends my reach, hopefully this will work. Well I charged up the pressure spraying device and put water in it for a test, it sprayed a nice even coat with not much run off. It is currently very windy at the moment for this week but at the end of the week rain has been forecast. I will attempt this project midweek if the weather allows me to do the job. Well it is still windy so I decided to fill the pressure spraying device with Curtain Magic, drop the poles of the camper trailer and started to spray. The wind made it hard but spraying the roof easy. I got most of the area except o...